Hiring Psychchologists in the Private Schools in order to tackle psychological issues in children

Resolution #
Motion Date
Passed Unanimously
Resolution Signatories
Resolution Document
Resolution Contents

It has been noticed that like adults, children also struggle with psychological pressure. Too many commitments, conflict in their families and problems with peers are all stressors that overwhelm children.

It is observed with concern that due to domestic issues and societal pressures, and due to lack of awareness children are prone to use drugs and attempt suicide. Moreover, child abuse incidents are repeatedly reported, and are on the rise in our society.

This house demands that:

1.     Schools those are charging Rs.5000 or more fee per month should gave a psychologist as a part of the faculty.

2.     Whereas schools charging less than Rs.5000 fee should arrange at least one session per week for the students with a psychologist.

3.     All colleges should have a psychologist as a part of the faulty.